Monday, March 24, 2014

Can You Spot What Is Strange About This Pieces Of Art? Totally Mind Blowing. Whoa.

There’s an unlimited number of mediums artists can use to express themselves. Sculptures use clay to give birth to ideas, and photographers use their cameras to show you how they see the world. Ruddy Taveras shows us the world in a way that is simple and beautiful… but entirely unexpected, too.
That was hard to see coming. Hyperrealism is a genre of painting and sculpture where the resulting pieces resemble a high-resolution photograph. Hyperrealism, an advancement of Photorealism, is so addictive to look at because it looks so natural. For some, the almost-mundane nature of art makes it incredibly exciting.
Source: Ruddy Taveras via Reddit
If you’d like to see more of Ruddy’s unbelievable work, check out his website or Facebook page.

Big fan of Amazing Art and Artist? Check out here for a piece of art that will blow your mind just the same!


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Here Are 34 Relatively Simple Things That Will Make Your Home Even More Awesome. Can't Beat #3

If you want to make your home more efficient (and look better while you’re at it), you don’t necessarily have to break the bank. Sometimes, the simplest changes can make a world of difference. Take these 34 simple home improvement ideas, for example. You wouldn’t think that moving your outlets or adding an end table could change the flow and cool factor of your house, but it can.
And if you follow these tips, it will!
(H/T BuzzFeed)
Some of these ideas may be more complicated than others, but surely you know you can handle installing a shower head, different outlet or changing your house’s numbers on the mailbox. Give some of these a try, they might make a bigger difference than you think… and share this list with others!